Please, please – if you’re still using Internet Explorer 6, STOP!
Why? Microsoft wants you to. IE6 has many issues with security and display. Comedy Central wants you to. Once you upgrade to FireFox (Windows or Mac), or IE7 (Windows), you’ll get faster download times, smoother animations and better looking pages.
All of the new browsers have useful new features that IE6 doesn’t, such as tabbed browsing (multiple pages displayed conveniently in a single window).
Click on one of the links below to upgrade to the latest version of one of the browsers mentioned for FREE!
No. You deal with it, jerk.
Geico is so easy, even the guy before me can do it.
I suspect that this is yet another site in the wave of sites that finally give IE6 the boot!
I know Facebook already tells users that IE6 is a dinosaur.
As a developer myself, I want sooooo badly to dump IE6 support, but many enterprises haven't moved to IE7 yet (or something better like Firefox, Opera or Safari)
I know for sure though, that when IE8 ships (currently in beta, expected Q1 2009), I will instantly deprecate support for IE6. Users will either upgrade to a browser that was made in the last 5 years, or do without.
I'm not wasting 2 hours a day fighting with IE6 bugs, IE7 & IE8 have enough of their own!
In my opinion firefox is far better and stable than IE.
I still can't watch daily show or colbert report videos in firefox. The only website I load in IE 6 is comedy central's. I can watch youtube and hulu videos. I will switch browsers when you fix your website.
Comedy Central shows are on hulu, so no reason not to switch to Firefox. In fact, I prefer watching them there, the sound seems better if you switch to 480p.
"No. You deal with it, jerk."
"I will switch browsers when you fix your website."
That's pretty damned stupid, actually, but hey, enjoy all those viruses and bits of malware Internet Exploder 6 leaves you prone to.
And get real: We all know what the number of people still using IE6 really represents: the number of people who are running illegal copies of Windows XP and couldn't upgrade to IE7 without a valid license.
Well, Microsoft finally realized their obligation to the entire world to reduce the proliferation of viruses, so they finally opened IE7. So now you can.
So stop holding up progress by insisting on remaining in 2001.
IE6 was around when the Twin Towers were still standing. That's pretty freakin old, especially considering that Firefox has had 3.5 major releases in 4 years.
Trying to use IE6 to browse the internet is like trying to write a newspaper on a typewriter. It won't work very well, and you shouldn't expect otherwise.
So I support you, Comedy Central. If 25% of America refuses to cut the cord with IE6, it's their own problem.
Why only upgrade to IE7 or Firefox? Why not Safari or Opera?
I agree that IE6 sucks, however, a lot of people are stuck using it for reasons that can't control. I work for a big company and they still use IE6 on all of their machines and there doesn't seem to be a browser upgrade in sight.
Obviously viewing isn't related to work, but its ok for us to browse around at lunch.
Good for you, Comedy Central! It feels good doesn't it? Shame we can't just do away with IE entirely and focus on development for real browsers.
Thank you.
If you use IE6, it's time to at least upgrade to IE7. It's incompatible with very many web standards
Awesome news. But Firefox is not just Windows / Mac, but Linux as well :p Love watching Comedy Central shows on my Linux boxen, by the way :D
Yes, please make sure that if you add some verification stuff .. that you include linux.
If the site works with gecko and webkit; it will work with all linux based browsers. Since most of them use either of those two render-engines.
And when Gecko (with Firefox 3.1) and Webkit (it's in the trunk) get support for the html-video-tag .. it would be great if you guys would support that.
Since, when the dependencies to use a site can all be expressed in freely available source-code, then there are limits to where it can theoretically run. For example the linux on the PPC doesn't have flash...
Hey, IE6 users - don't take it personally.
IE6 is from 2001, that's 7 years ago. WWW is 15 years old. It's like from web's middle ages! It's really hard to write websites for "wooden" browser. If you switch to Firefox or at least recent IE, then it will be eaiser (and cheaper) to write websites for you.
Get Opera 9.60. I love it.
ALL versions of IE are 10 years behind web standards, including the new IE8 when it ever gets finished. Get a modern browser, kid. Get ANYTHING else: Firefox, Safari, Opera. They're all miles ahead of anything Internet Explorer.
I am using workarounds on linux to get IE6, sort of. Wine helps. I'm really tired of constantly dealing with websites that Require IE, any version. I am glad Comedy Central is asking us to use something other than IE6, I want you guys to make sure your site is working well on any browser, any platform. Firefox is my favorite browser on linux, and windows. Maybe Google's new browser has some interesting features. Anyway, congratulations, have fun.
Americans couldn't even give Bush the boot. You think they'll switch browsers?
Heh. Ok.
Faster downloads? Really?
the world's #1 employer (us postal service) still uses IE6 by policy. although they are now upgrading workstations to use IE7 but it's a slow process. anyway, be careful of just deciding to alienate entire corporations who may have a certain workstation build that is forced policy and it uses IE6.
I like cheese.
I'm so pissed you are telling your users what to do, I'm downgrading to Netscape Navigator 4.
Call me crazy, but I doubt that Comedy Central has a huge number of corporate users trying to watch videos. They should be working! haha
people can use internet explore six if they want - why they are at why don't they use a fire to cook there food. It's much much s-l-o-w-e-r but still gets the job done.
@oehlburg, Clearly, if thousands of people use Firefox here, the site is not broken... Either you do not have Flash Player installed for Firefox, or you're running in safe mode. If that doesn't work, install IETab extension for it. (And they also say that IE7 works, so stop complaining)
I'm stuck in an on-call job (i.e. I have lots of time on my hands) at a hospital where I have no choice about my browser, and it's, you guessed it, IE6. The computers are locked down so I can't install firefox.
Firefox and Linux users.
Upgrade to Adobe's flash player version 10 (search for the download)
It fixes the problems with the new Comedy Central videos not running.
You have to download the file and then CLOSE firefox before installing (upgrading)
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